CNO Synchronous Dispatcher
- Waiting for an successful conversion operation
- Defining an error path for conversion problems
- Error handling / re-conversion after errors in combination with our dispatcher monitor
Teamcenter Version:
10.1 (older versions on demand)
Support of all dispatcher modules through the use of converter independent Teamcenter functionalities.
- PostAction on DispatcherRequest object to handle the workflow feedback
- Use of workflow rule and action handler of the CNO Custom Library
Enhancement of existing workflow templates to realize the workflow controlled conversion process.
Optional: CNO Dispatcher-Monitor
CNO Teamcenter Handler:
Workflow Handler to support an simple customizing of your existing Teamcenter workflows.
CNO Dispatcher Extension:
Register actions to act on status changes of the conversion process.
Workflow Templates:
- Predefined conversion workflows for different use cases
- Sample workflows with extended error handling
Dispatcher Module:
- Support tools for generating neutral formats from Teamcenter
- Solution for the Teamcenter Administrator to simplify the conversion of conversion tasks
Process of a synchronous conversion via workflow. There are two variants to realize this:
1. Waiting for successful conversion with cancellation
2. Using an error path in case of unsuccessful conversion
1 Variant: Wait for an successful conversion
Success: (Dispatcher Complete Status)
- PerformSignOff Workflow Task is set to „Accepted“ by the Dispatcher Teamcenter User.
- Workflow is continued after the decision.
Failure: (Dispatcher Terminal Status)
- PerformSignOff Workflow Task is set to „Rejected“ by the Dispatcher Teamcenter User.
- Task is stopped till a retrigger of the requests is successfull.
- Optional Extension: Cancel-Argument in Dispatcher Request for the workflow.
Step 1: Call Workflow with conversion job
2 Variant: Error on failed conversion
Success: (Complete Status)
- PerformSignOff Task is set to „Accepted“ by Dispatcher Teamcenter User.
- Workflow continues.
Failure: (Terminal Status)
- PerformSignOff is set to „Rejected“ by Dispatcher Teamcenter User.
- Worklow uses error path.
- Optional Extension: SOA-Call by Dispatcher-Monitor to trigger the task.
Step 1: Execute Workflow with waiting conversion task