Individual software development
CAD and PLM systems may not always meet the customer’s requirements. Here the individual software development offers a way out.
We offer support here with our software development in the area of:
- Teamcenter
- Active Workspace
- NX / Solide Edge / AutoCad
- Mendix
- Mindsphere
Please find here some samples:
A graphical tool to support the import of structures and parts to Teamcenter.
- Selection of structures and individual parts in the file system by the user
- Comparison of the selection with existing structures and individual parts in Teamcenter
- Import of selected structures and items with naming conventions
- Trigger Post Actions after import
CNO Teamcenter Issue Tracker
This extension for Teamcenter offers the possibility:
- Report issues and problems
- To identify and eliminate errors
As this is usually a very time-consuming and unpopular activity for the user and support, Issue Tracker offers the possibility of simplifying and standardizing bug reports as well as efficient and cross-machine analysis.
Teamcenter Rich Client Information in SAP
With this extension, users can perform direct information on parts, structures and projects in Teamcenter in SAP. This eliminates tedious searching and viewing in SAP.
Assembly comparison with Excel
This enhancement in Teamcenter makes it possible to load a structure in Excel and compare it with stored criteria. The complete structure is compared with corresponding positions at any depth.